
round leaf Learn more about round leaf

  • Culture of round-leaf taro

    Culture of round-leaf taro

    Temperature round-leaf taro likes a warm and stable environment, so its resistance to heat is very low, but round-leaf taro is not only afraid of high temperature, its cold resistance is also very poor. Therefore, the most suitable temperature for the growth of round-leaf taro is between 18 and 30 ℃. In late spring and early summer, once the ambient temperature exceeds 25 ℃

  • Is round-leaf taro poisonous?

    Is round-leaf taro poisonous?

    Is round-leaf taro poisonous?

  • Is the latest round-leaf taro poisonous?

    Is the latest round-leaf taro poisonous?

    Round-leaf taro is an evergreen plant of the bamboo taro family, its leaves are large and green, with neatly arranged wide stripes, is a very suitable for ornamental plants. At the same time, because round-leaf taro is more shady, she likes the warm and humid semi-shade environment, even in darker rooms.

    2020-11-10 The latest round leaves bamboo taro poisonous molasses yes bamboo taro family
  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of paulownia rotunda

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of paulownia rotunda

    Round-leaf Fulu, also known as round-leaf Nanyangsen, round-leaf Nanyang ginseng, is an evergreen shrub or small tree of Araliaceae and Nanyang forest. The plant is multi-branched, the stem is grayish brown and is covered with lenticels. Branches soft, leaves alternate, 3-foliolate pinnately compound or simple, leaflets broadly ovate or suborbicular, base cordate

  • Propagation of round-leaf taro

    Propagation of round-leaf taro

    Ramet propagation is the most common way of propagation of round-leaf taro. When the temperature is about 20 ℃, it is the most suitable to divide the plant, but if the temperature and humidity are suitable, it can also be propagated throughout the year. When propagating, first cut the root mass with stems, leaves and leaf buds, but if a small amount of reproduction is carried out

  • How often are round-leaf taro watered? what about the rotten roots of round-leaf taro?

    How often are round-leaf taro watered? what about the rotten roots of round-leaf taro?

    Round-leaf taro is a kind of plant with large leaves, the leaves are more common and green, there are some striped distribution above, there is a certain ornamental value. Now many families like to raise it, but in the process of breeding, if it is not taken care of properly, it will be possible.

    2020-11-08 Round leaves taro how long watering once water rotten roots how to do round leaves
  • Pest control of round-leaf taro

    Pest control of round-leaf taro

    Round-leaf taro has a strong ability to resist insect pests, but it will still be plagued by insect pests due to various reasons in the process of culture, so how to control common insect pests? This kind of shell insect is mainly pink scale, which is mostly on the back or edge of the leaf, and the occurrence of the page is less.

  • How to raise round-leaf taro culture methods and matters needing attention

    How to raise round-leaf taro culture methods and matters needing attention

    Round-leaf taro must be familiar to many people, and it is a very common plant. Round-leaf taro has high ornamental value, so many people choose to breed it. Presumably, what we are most concerned about before breeding is its breeding method! Next, let's do it together.

    2020-11-08 Round leaves taro how to raise culture methods and matters needing attention
  • The latest culture method of round-leaf taro

    The latest culture method of round-leaf taro

    Round-leaf taro, which is native to the tropical rain forest of America, is usually widely cultivated after it is introduced into China, because it is very shade-resistant, can be placed directly in a bright room and grows well, even in poor light for a month.

    2020-11-10 Latest round leaf bamboo taro culture method original
  • Special Topics on Orchid Diseases and insect pests

    Special Topics on Orchid Diseases and insect pests

    Look at the special topic of orchid diseases and insect pests and treat the disease "two".

  • The difference between round leaf mint and mint

    The difference between round leaf mint and mint

    Plant difference: the round leaf mint stem is obtusely tetragonal with stripes; the mint stem is quadrangular with four grooves. Leaf difference: round mint leaves are round or ovate, with rounded edges; mint leaves are oblong-lanceolate, with a sharp apex. Flower distinction: round-leaf mint cylindrical spikes with white-purple or light blue flowers; mint umbels with white flowers.

  • Introduction to the main precious varieties of orchids (Chunlan)

    Introduction to the main precious varieties of orchids (Chunlan)

    There are many varieties of orchids in China after long-term cultivation and breeding by the working people. Many precious orchids are named after the special shape of their petals, such as "× × plum". "× × lotus", "× × daffodil", "× × element", "× × odd petal" and so on. Some are described according to their color, such as.

  • Culture method of arrowroot

    Culture method of arrowroot

    Culture method of arrowroot

  • Special Topics on Orchid Diseases and insect pests

    Special Topics on Orchid Diseases and insect pests

    Orchid diseases and insect pests special picture treatment, white silk disease usually preventive medicine: pesticide name: methyl Likuling EC; action characteristics: internal absorption 20% sterilization.

  • Wang Zi Chunlan

    Wang Zi Chunlan

    During the reign of Kangxi in Qing Dynasty, he was selected by Wang Keming in Fenghua, Zhejiang Province. The leaf posture is strong upright, the leaf quality is thick and hard, the leaf quality is thin and narrow, the leaf tip is acute. The leaves are dark green and dull. The new bud is purplish green. The shell is green with purple sesame tendons. Scape slender, ca. 25 cm tall. The flower is daffodils petal type, with three outer petals with round head, root, tight edge, waxy.

  • The difference between round-leaf mallow and wild sunflower

    The difference between round-leaf mallow and wild sunflower

    Leaf difference: the leaves of round-leaf mallow are alternate, kidney-shaped, the apex of the leaf is obtuse, and the base is heart-shaped; the leaves of wild sunflower are kidney-shaped or round. Flower differences: round-leaf mallow flowers in the upper 3-5 clusters, solitary at the base, each flower has 5 petals, the petals are inverted heart-shaped; the Corolla of wild sunflower is light white or light red.

  • A weed in the rice field used to make farmers hate to feed it to pigs. Now it costs 6 yuan a jin to make money.

    A weed in the rice field used to make farmers hate to feed it to pigs. Now it costs 6 yuan a jin to make money.

    There are all kinds of weeds in the countryside, and these weeds are strange, for example, some weeds have a strange shape, some weeds give off a strange smell, and some weeds are covered with thorns, but anyway, farmers are right.

  • An elegant name for round-leaf taro

    An elegant name for round-leaf taro

    Round-leaf taro is a family of bamboo taro, Xiao bamboo taro belongs to perennial evergreen herbaceous foliage plants. Tropical region native to America that grows in tropical rain forests. It is introduced and cultivated in China. Because the plant is shade-resistant, it is very suitable for family indoor decoration and greening. It can be displayed and watched for a long time in a brighter room.

  • Eight old species of Chunlan

    Eight old species of Chunlan

    The leaves are as small as pine hair, so pine hair. This flower has a good seed, high germination rate and is not expensive. The plant height is not full of feet, small and exquisite, the flowers are white and flawless, elegant and fragrant. The settlement of the desk is excellent.

  • Yang's Suhe Chunlan

    Yang's Suhe Chunlan

    Gengshen (1920) of the Republic of China was selected by the owner of Chen Yifu, and the other was selected by Yang Zuren in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. The leaf color is emerald green, the leaf margin is serrated densely, the two edge leaves are short and semi-drooping, the tip is obtuse, the center leaf is oblique, the leaf tail is slightly pointed, the outer three petals are short round, tight, the root is put in the angle, the petals are shallow clam shell, pure white big round tongue, micro.
